ArcheoROUTE project



Project name: The novel cultural tourism presentation of the archaeological values of the border region Austria-Hungary in cooperation with museum and tourism partners
Acro: ArcheoROUTE
Projekt ID: ATHU-0100026
Funding programme: Programme Austria-Hungary Interreg VI-A 2021-2027 (
Programme priority: P3 - A competent border region (Specific objective: SO32 - Enhancing the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation)
Project duration: 01.09.2024 – 31.08.2027 (36 month)
Total budget of the project: € 901.500, which includes resources from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) up to € 640.452
Budget of the Savaria Turizmus Nonprofit Kft. as a project partner: € 149.040, consisting of

  • European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (60%): € 89.424
  • National Cofinancing (35%): € 52.164
  • Own resources (5%): € 7.452
Aim of the project, and results, outputs:

The overall objective of the project is to integrate the innovative, multigenerational, joint archaeological offering as a new value creation segment into the cultural tourism offer of the border region, thereby strengthening the economic role of sustainable hiking and cycling tourism. To achieve this goal, the conditions for a new approach to the joint presentation of archaeological values will be developed through the implementation of innovative attraction developments based on a shared concept (including: interactive further development of the Historical Theme Park in Szombathely). This will be followed by the development of a cross-border experience offer package with an innovative, multigenerational approach, through the further development of the existing archaeological tourist „base offering“ and by creating a chain-like connection of the innovative attraction developments of the project.
Project partner:
  • LP1 - Tourismusverband Südburgenland
  • PP2 - Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung - Abteilung 7 - Bildung, Kultur und Wissenschaft
  • PP3 - Savaria Múzeum
  • PP4 – Savaria Turizmus Nonprofit Kft.